What I Ate Wednesday #112: Taking It Easy

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relishing every single second at home. I’ve spent my last 2 afternoons with this cute little nugget.
Jilly Bean

She’s a big fan of walking right now and even though she may be walking right by me, just being with her is the best! She really is the cutest.. I’m not biased at all either, you know.

Between all of the travel and excitement, I’ve been doing my best to keep my diet up to par with my normal eating, but I have to admit, it’s not my first concern. I’ve taken very few pictures which is so rare for me. But it’s nice to let my brain go for a change.

[Pre- & Post-Workout]
Think Thin Pumpkin Spice Lean Protein Fiber Bar
Before my workout, I grabbed a handful of trail mix to get a little something in my stomach. And almost immediately after my workout, I trained my dad. In between, I had one of these limited edition Think Thin bars. These new lean protein & fiber bars are some of my faves!

Protein Oatmeal Almond Butter Egg Whites Cinnamon Coffee
I was shocked when my mom didn’t have any homemade nut butters on hand when I got here so that had to change immediately! I grabbed some almonds from the store and whipped up a batch of almond butter for my oats.

Grilled Salmon Mediterranean Greek Salad
I’ve been doing a pretty solid job of not finishing breakfast until close to 11 a.m. which means late lunches have been what’s up. I was out shopping with my mom and we stopped at a nice cafe for lunch. The salmon on this Mediterranean salad was so good! And it was the perfect fuel to finish my shopping date and head over to see my little bean.

Iowa Girl Eats Crispy Buffalo Chicken
This is an older picture from the last time I made the crunchy stuffed buffalo chicken, but that’s what was on the menu last night with roasted potatoes, eggplant, and salad. Mom and I have been making a pretty good team in the kitchen. Thanksgiving’s going to be fun! 🙂

[Evening Snack]
I spotted some SweetTango apples at the store the other day.. they’re pretty much my favorite aside from Fuji, so I snagged a bunch! And to top it off, I had a spoonful of almond butter. Best way to start and end your day!

Food for Thought

Do you have a favorite meal when you go home?

What I Ate Wednesday #106: The Unpictured

We’ve all read it before—things are not always what they appear to be. So many times we read blog posts or see pictures on instagram and get a peek into someone’s daily life; what their workouts look like, what their meals look like. It can be pretty easy to fall into the dreaded comparison trap. What we don’t always remember when reading these posts is that you don’t necessarily see every little piece.

Skoop Superfood Blueberry Bite
I’m loving my Skoop superfood blueberry bites and will absolutely be making more when these run out.
Not Pictured: A carrot cake energy bite. I like a little variety in my morning bites!

Protein Egg White Oatmeal Oats Artisana Coconut Butter Almond Butter Peanut Butter Baltimore Orioles Coffee
My nut butters are running pretty low and I have a little packet of coconut butter that I’ve been saving. I forgot how delicious it is! Not to mention, nice to add a different flavor in there.
Not Pictured: A second cup of coffee. Stevia and coconut almond milk are my favorite mix-ins.

Salad Avocado Carrots Red Pepper Cucumber
A quick throw-together break room lunch—mixed greens, shredded carrots, cucumber, tomato, red pepper, and avocado with orange rosemary dressing.
Not Pictured: The protein—a crispy quinoa burger on the side—had to keep it that way so I could warm it up! Also, a dark chocolate covered pretzel. Sweet and salty after lunch is necessary.

[Afternoon Snack]
Pumpkin Protein Mug Cake Peanut Butter Co Old Fashioned Crunchy
I was starved by the time I got home so I whipped up a pumpkin protein mug cake, topped with some Old Fashioned Crunchy.
Not Pictured: The pumpkin ravioli, chocolate coconut almond, and coffee samples from Trader Joe’s. Is it possible to go into that store and not pick up the samples?! Oh, and the chocolate coconut almonds are ridiculously delicious. I also snacked on a couple grapes and some of Monday night’s dinner. What? Girl’s gotta eat!

Tandoori Style Turkey Burgers Martha Stewart Baked Potato Wedge Fries
Martha Stewart did me right! Nathan’s plate was much prettier than mine because he had his tandoori-style turkey burgers in a pita, as suggested.
Not Pictured: An extra potato wedge and ketchup. I usually tend to snack a bit while I’m cooking dinner, but I think my extra snacks did the trick!

[Evening Snack]
Peanut Butter Co Old Fashioned Chunky Fuji Apple
This one pretty much sums it up. Apples and peanut butter are just the best.

It’s a good thing you’re not just going by my instagram, huh? You might have thought I only had oatmeal and a turkey burger salad yesterday 😉

Food for Thought

Do you ever fall into a comparison trap, whether it’s with workouts, physique, food, or anything else?

What I Ate Wednesday #103: Mostly Recyclables

I’ve been slacking. But I’m blaming my phone. It’s time for a new phone for sure and I’ve been keeping it plugged in pretty much all the time. That said, it’s not in always in my hand to take quick pictures of my food so today’s WIAW is [almost] all about the recycled pictures. Thank goodness I eat so much of the same food all the time, right?

Monday was another flip day at Athleta so that meant another early morning. I didn’t get my workout in at the gym, but with all of the running around we do at the store and lugging boxes of new merchandise, I think it’s safe to say I did, in fact, get a workout in for the day!

Skoop Superfood Blueberry Cobbler Bites
I have a new bite recipe to share! It’ll be up later this week but for now, I’m trying not to eat the whole container. Often times, pre-workout snacks focus more on healthy fats and carbs to fuel the workout so when I’m making my bites, I try to stick with a coconut/peanut flour and peanut butter base. Makes for a delicious and creamy treat! –>

Protein Oatmeal Egg Macadamia Cashew Almond Nut Butter Coffee Orioles
Protein rocks! <– [Best commercial ever.] But for real, this is my favorite breakfast, workout or not. It has the perfect balance of protein, carbs, and fat for refueling and keeps me full for hours. It was just what I needed.. especially piping hot at 5:30 am.

[Morning Snack]

After all of my running around, I scarfed down a Salted Caramel ThinkThin bar. I’ve always loved ThinkThin but this new bar is by far my favorite. It’s basically like a little treat!

Kale Spinach Avocado Panko Chicken Tomato Carrots Cucumber Corn Honey Mustard BBQ
Big ass salad, anyone? I pretty much throw the contents of my fridge on top of whatever greens we have and call it lunch. They mostly end up looking like this because wouldn’t it be the worst to have a salad without avocado?! I always make sure to have 4-6 oz of protein and some healthy fats with my 10 tons of veggies.

[Afternoon Snack]
Homemade Kombucha Shop
I’m so bad about drinking water when I’m at work. Because I’m running around, I can’t have my water bottle with me all the time. I got home and chugged some homemade kombucha that I’ve been rationing out until my next batch is ready. Thankfully, we’re all a go for the second fermentation and in just a few more days I’ll have another gallon’s worth!

Franks Red Hot Buffalo Chicken Okra Broccoli
Something new! Nathan’s been requesting buffalo chicken and I figured roasted broccoli and okra would compliment nicely. I’d never made okra before but decided to give it a shot. I ended up eating pretty much the whole batch so I’d call it a success.. for me, at least.

[Evening Snack]
Peanut Butter Co Old Fashioned Chunky Fuji Apple
Carbs and fats [clearly in nut butter form] are easily my faves so I think it’s the perfect way to end the night. I’m really digging the chunky peanut butter right now too!

And even though this is from last night, not Monday, I thought I’d share anyway..
Homemade Vegan Peanut Butter Cup
because how can I keep my homemade peanut butter cups all to myself? 😉

Food for Thought

Are you a food creature of habit or do you switch it up regularly?

What I Ate Wednesday #101: Eat All the Food!

Have you entered my AMRAP giveaway yet?

The last couple of days for me have been some serious hungry days. You know the days when you haven’t even finished eating a meal and you’re already thinking about what you’re going to eat next? I just couldn’t get enough! In regards to getting better at the whole intuitive eating idea, I figured I should probably listen to my constant growling stomach and feed it. Makes sense, right? Good.

Coconut Vanilla Latte Healthy Bites Cotter Crunch
I love my morning bites and I like to think the coffee beans in these bites give me an extra kick 😉

Egg White Protein Oatmeal Almond Cashew Macadamia Nut Butter Coffee
Pretty much the same old protein oats, but I’ve decided to start stirring in the egg whites after the oats have cooked as opposed to cooking the eggs first, separately. The oats end up being creamier and fluffier.. it’s really hitting the spot these days.

Lunch #1
Trader Joes Jalapeno Chicken Sausage Eggplant Hummus Heirloom Tomato Avocado Sugar Snap Peas Carrots Ketchup
On the rare days that I get to sit on my butt during the day, I tend to go for a snack-style lunch. I sauteed up a jalapeno chicken sausage from Trader Joe’s, loaded up on some veggies, and my new favorite eggplant hummus. The way I’ve been going through that stuff, I’m thinking it’s time I whip up my own version at home.

Lunch #2
Cajun Chicken Heinz Ketchup
I gave it a good 30 minutes or so before deciding I was still hungry for real. Cajun chicken and ketchup? Why not?! I’ve also been having a love affair with ketchup lately. Don’t ask.. ha!

Afternoon Snacks
Carrot Cake Energy Bites
I truly believe having healthy food in the house is key and when I need a little sweet treat, having a few flavors of bites in the freezer helps. Carrot cake after lunch it is!

Homemade Kombucha Shop
And some homemade kombucha! I came back from Baltimore to a gallon of kombucha ready to drink and I’ve been loving it. It’s not so bubbly this time around, but hey, it’s only my first try! I bought some ginger to add to it but I’ve really been enjoying the plain flavor.

Love Grown Foods Apple Walnut Delight Granola Fage Vega Protein Almond Butter
A couple hours later, the monster was back and growling again. I mixed a little Vega vanilla protein powder and cinnamon into some Greek yogurt, added a dollop of almond butter, and dug into some granola on the side. That should hold me over for another 20 minutes..

Quinoa Crusted Chicken Strips Half Baked Harvest Avocado
The plan was for buffalo tenders but seeing as how I couldn’t find any good buffalo sauce, I made the quinoa crusted chicken strips and Tieghan’s new hot wing sauce. As Nathan said, if we can’t do buffalo, a good spicy Asian sauce hits the spot! I also made some spiralized baked “curly fries” for Nathan. It was a darn good dinner!

Evening Snack
The SweeTangos are out! This apple is a hybrid of Honeycrisp and Zestar; it’s always crisp and not too sweet [I find Honeycrisp to be too sweet for me]. I’m usually not a fan of anything other than Fuji but these hit the spot!

Hopefully I’ve taken care of my bottomless pit of a stomach for at least a few days!

Food for Thought

How do you deal with your bottomless pit days?

What I Ate Wednesday #99: Happy Food

Quick note to all nut butter addicts: there’s another recall due to the potential Salmonella contamination of the glass and plastic jars. Check out the list of all of the nut butters being recalled.

Good news! I woke up yesterday and my ankle was less swollen and felt pretty darn good! I even made it to the gym for a light workout before spending hours on my feet at work again. Which lead to Nathan’s reaction of “eeeeeshhh that does not look good” when he got home. [Mom, stop yelling at me.] So we’re back to raising and icing. BUT! I’m off of work on Thursday [because psh! Who wants to work on their birthday?!] so that’ll really give me some good rest time in.

In the meantime, my taste buds were pretty darn pleased yesterday. Even though I do have an oatmeal obsession. Though I guess that’s a pretty healthy obsession, yes? Good.

Protein Oatmeal Macadamia Coconut Cashew Almond Butter Coffee
Toppings these days include: macadamia butter with cashews, coconut cashew peanut butter, and protein almond butter. Word to the wise: regular almond butter is better. Every time I try something new with a nut butter, I remember I’m really a purist and much prefer the roasted nut with a little salt. Maybe one day I’ll remember.

Smokey Peruvian Chicken Sugar Snap Peas Brussels Sprouts Carrots Avocado Heirloom Tomato Balsamic
I must really love Nathan to have given him the rest of the lettuce! I ended up having a lettuce-less salad with all of the rest of the veggies in the fridge and a smokey Peruvian chicken thigh. It was pretty awesome and, of course, the brussels were the star of the show.

[Afternoon Snack]
Kiss My Broccoli Peanut Butter Mug Cake
Yea.. recylced picture from yesterday’s post, but I was too excited to dig into my peanut butter mug cake to snap a picture. Whoops!

Char Siu Vietnamese Pork Bowl Crushed Peanuts Red Wine
Nathan’s been begging me to make my Vietnamese pork bowl again for a while. I did it a little differently this time though, by using a jarred char siu sauce to marinate the pork instead of the regular marinade. It was darn tasty but it was agreed that the regular marinade is the way to go. I also took some very serious advice from Laura and Lindsay on how to help my ankle get better and poured myself a glass of wine 😉

Evening Snack
Plums have been so crazy good lately. Actually, fruit in general has been pretty spectacular but we just picked up some awesome plums from the farmers market on Saturday and we’ve really been enjoying them!

Food for Thought

What’s the best meal/recipe you make?

Marvelous Monday Photo Dump

It’s a chilly, tired, relatively wordless Marvelous Monday.

Friday Night

It was our anniversary dinner and we ate. We ate A LOT! More details to come soon 🙂

Oooooh happy anniversary to us!


Saturday morning coffee, twitter, and blogs. It was lovely.

Coffee Twitter

My company did some painting at an elementary school on Friday. I now need to get my nails done.

My cousin had been wanting to cook me a birthday dinner and it finally happened.. 2 months later 😉 Well worth the wait!

Roast Chicken Asparagus Couscous Royal Farm Western Fries Artichoke

My fabulous belated birthday dinner from my cousin.. roast chicken, asparagus, couscous, western fries (Nathan insisted we bring them!), and an artichoke.. or 2.

I brought dessert!

Mexican Chocolate Biscotti Coconut Butter

Mexican Chocolate Biscotti = huge success!


Farmers’ market Sunday. My favorite wrap and coffee in our little parking spot “nook.”

Sweet Fire Mushroom Wrap Eggs Rice Black Beans

Favorite breakfast from the farmers’ market.. Sweet fire chili portabello mushrooms, roasted red peppers, rice & peas, egg, feta, & salsa.

Burning off the last few days..

Unbelievable how off the machines are on calorie count!

..and then eating it up again 😉

Birroteca Duck Pizza Kale Salad Brussels Sprouts Eggplant Fries

Friday night leftovers = Sunday lunch. Duck pizza, fried brussels, eggplant fries, and kale salad.

I think it’s time to box up the dress, but I couldn’t pass up on putting it on at least once more.

Wedding Dress

I wish I could wear it all the time! Is that weird..?

Food for Thought

What fun stuff did you do over the weekend?

What I Ate Wednesday #29 – Back in the Swing of Things

You know how every year the holidays sneak up on you and you say “I’m going to be good. I’m not going to overindulge!”? And you know how every year you overindulge? Yea.

Alright, so I didn’t go crazy this year, but I’ve definitely stepped up my game since New Years! More specifically, since Monday. Last week was pretty much a wash with NYE on Monday and New Years day Tuesday. That only left 3 days to get back into my routine and then the weekend hit.

Monday started Tina‘s Best Body Bootcamp; that along with Tone It Up‘s new Love Your Body challenge (you can still sign up!) has really gotten back into the swing of things! Especially since TIU is giving away prizes for checking in! If you follow me on Instagram, you may be getting tired of all of my meals and workouts, but I’m in it to win it, baby!

Barr & Table Tone It Up TIU 5 Day Slim Down 5DSD Peas and Crayons What I Ate Wednesday WIAW Tina Reale Best Body Bootcamp Powercakes Powerbowl Fitmixer Amino Carrots N Cake KIND Snacks

[Pre-Breakfast / Post-Workout]
Fitmixer Amino. This was part of my Fitbloggin’ swag that I just recently started taking advantage of after my morning workouts. I have to admit, I don’t love the fruit punch, but it’s not bad. And it certainly helps me get 2 extra glasses of water down a day!

I whipped up a lightened version of my favorite sweet breakfast scramble. Check it out..

– 1 egg
– 2 egg whites
– 1/2 banana, mashed
– 1/4 cup squash [I’ve been using pumpkin]
– 1 tbsp ground flax seed
– Cinnamon
– Ginger
– Nutmeg

I just recently started adding the ginger and nutmeg.. it makes it taste like gingerbread!

Scramble it up like eggs and top it with your favorite oatmeal toppings! Aka lots and lots of peanut butter 😉

Getting back on my salad kick, I topped a bunch of spinach with tons of veggies, chicken, and some healthy spinach basil walnut pesto aioli for my dressing! This dressing was a bit of an accident, but it came out so well!

Warm kale salad. Sounds a little weird, right? But it’s not. It’s amazing! And it’s an idea I stole from Kasey.

I absolutely love roasted veggies, so while roasting sweet potato, parsnip, tomato, and broccoli, I chopped up some kale, tossed it in a big bowl and threw it in the microwave for about a minute. This softens it and also makes it a little less bitter. For my dressing, I made a tahini nooch sauce, similar to Brittany’s dressing here [I love the little bit of sweetness from the maple syrup!] Then I toss half of the dressing into the kale and massage it in, again, making it a little less bitter. Finally, I throw all of my roasted goodies on top, the rest of the dressing, and some crunchy bits, like sunflower seeds.

Have I convinced you to try it? Because you really should!

Coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond coconut milk <– a new favorite find!
1/2 grapefruit with stevia.
Madagascar vanilla almond KIND bar.
Apple with peanut fluff.. the only picture I missed!

It definitely feels good to clean up my eating again and get rid of the extra sugar I was eating. And it definitely helps to be getting my butt kicked by TIU and Tina (more details on Tina’s butt-kickings later)!

Food for Thought

Did you overindulge over the holidays? How have you cleaned up your eating recently?

What I Ate Wednesday #26 – Doing It Up Miami Style!

Have you entered my KIND Snacks giveaway? It ends tomorrow night.. don’t miss out!

Friday night, Nathan and I jet setted to Florida for a long weekend. I have family in the Ft. Lauderdale area so it’s always nice to be able to get away and go visit them, especially this time of year when it’s freezing at home! And since it’s not enough to just go to Florida, we planned a full day in Miami; completely revolving around food, of course!

We spent the day roaming South Beach with completely full stomachs. Seriously, this was not planned well. We had far too much food at every stop! But I guess if that’s my only complaint, it’s not so bad 😉


“A house of worship to farm-fresh ingredients, classic Southern cooking, culture and hospitality.”

This place is great! I loved the decor and all of the little touches, from the clever chalkboard drawings, right down to the paper napkin ring.

Yardbird Decor South Beach Miami Florida FL Jeff McInnis Top Chef

The staff was super friendly and really helped to make the experience so enjoyable and relaxing. I think my eyes lit up when we walked in and didn’t stop until we left. The kitchen was open to the restaurant and I loved being able to see everything being made and brought out. I definitely tried to scope everything out as it went by!

Yardbird Run Chicken Run South Beach Miami Florida FL Jeff McInnis Top Chef

Butter Lettuce and Grilled Mango salad with smoked pecans and benne seed vinaigrette.
Chilled Watermelon with cayenne pepper, lemon, and herbs.

Mama’s Chicken Biscuits with homemade pepper jelly and house-pickled cucumber, onion, and okra.

Egg-white omelette with caramelized onions, muenster cheese, and smoked pork, topped with pimento cheese sauce. Buttermilk biscuit and fresh fruit on the side.

The salad was tasty and I would recommend it if you’re looking for a light, refreshing salad. Next time, we would definitely look for something that packs a little more punch. Same idea goes for the watermelon; we like bold flavor!

Best biscuit ever? I think we both agreed on that one. It was light and flaky. Just the right consistency to peel layer by layer. The chicken was perfectly fried and the homemade pepper jelly was slightly sweet and spicy which was the perfect compliment. The omelette was chock full of mix-ins and flavor. I’d never had pimento cheese before but I think this may have converted me.

Overall, it was a great experience. I would definitely recommend a visit if you’re in South Beach and I’ll definitely be back again!

Our eyes were bigger than our stomachs during brunch, but somehow we managed to put away all of that food. Which meant when lunch time rolled around, we weren’t hungry. Joe’s Stone Crabs were part of the original plan, but not being able to buy 1 or 2 for a little snack meant I skipped them all together.

Instead, we went over to the Hofbrauhaus.

Hofbrauhaus Hofbrau House Miami South Beach Florida FL

It had been a few hours and we’d done a few miles of walking so it was more-than-time for some beer. Or 1 liter each. And with all of that beer, clearly you need something to wash down!

Enter the meat and cheese platter with a side of soft-baked pretzel. Good thing we had the tiniest bit of room in our stomachs for this mound of deliciousness! We had no idea there would be so much food. But once again, we finished it. All of it.

And it’s worth noting, the people watching in Miami is second to none! You get a great view from the outdoor seating at this place.

Nathan has not stopped telling me about Aroma Coffee since he went to Israel 2 years ago. It’s the only coffee shop over there and they have the best coffee. So when he saw there was an Aroma Coffee in Miami, we had to stop in. And who doesn’t need a little iced cappuccino after a liter of beer?

Aroma Coffee Israel Miami South Beach Florida FL

With no room left in our stomachs, we made our way over to Michael’s Genuine. It was featured on The Layover so we knew we had to check it out.

Michaels Genuine Food Drink Miami Beach Florida FL Anthony Bourdain

Unlike brunch, this time, we shared everything! We started with the Crispy Pig Ear. And if you can forget what you’re eating, it’s really delicious! They’re perfectly spiced and wonderfully crispy (just like the name!)

Next, we got the Crispy Sweet & Spicy Pork Belly with kimchi, crushed peanuts, and pea shoots. I love anything peanut so I was really digging the flavor and crunch on this.

Finally, for our meal we ordered the Grilled Leg of Lamb with salsa verde and the Wood-Roasted Brussel Sprouts with pancetta and lemon aioli. Unfortunately, I have to admit that this part of the meal fell flat. I was disappointed with the portion size of the lamb for the price, not to mention, it was cold when it came out. It wasn’t seasoned well and didn’t have tons of flavor. The brussel sprouts were good, but not anything really special.

In an attempt to make up for the lamb, we were comped a dessert of chocolate cake topped with ice cream and whipped cream. This happened to be the best part of the entire meal (and also the part that I didn’t photograph!)

With such a high price tag, I don’t think we would go back. The whole experience felt a bit over-hyped and even though we had a decent dinner, I’m sure we could have spent half as much and enjoyed ourselves much more elsewhere.

Overall, we had a great day in Miami. We were filled to the gills the entire time and couldn’t get enough of the sunshine and summery weather! Not exactly what you think of around the holidays, but a nice change of pace.

Food for Thought

Have you ever been to any of these restaurants? Have you ever gone to a restaurant that was recommended by someone famous and found that it didn’t live up to the hype?

What I Ate Wednesday #21 – The Last Anniversary

*Have you entered my Tropical Traditions coconut oil giveaway yet? It ends tomorrow and a winner is announced on Friday!*

Well, it’s not really the last anniversary, but last Thursday was our last dating anniversary until we get married! We celebrated 9 long wonderful years of dating, and while people really don’t celebrate their dating anniversary after they get married, I think we’re going to have to do something for the big 1-0!

I had some fun with my food so I couldn’t wait to share it with you today! Happy WIAW!
Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats

Barr & Table WIAW Dark Chocolate Cherry Protein Pancake Waterfront Kitchen Baltimore Maryland MD Unibroue Brussel Sprouts Bacon Pork Ribeye Monkfish Osso Bucco Pumpkin Cake Taharka Bros Butter Pecan Ice Cream

In the midst of my dark chocolate cherry protein pancake obsession, but to make it anniversary special, the future hubs and I made sure to cheers each other over a mimosa.

Blueberry greek yogurt. Yet another obsession of mine that I just can’t shake. It’s the perfect bit of sweetness and protein to get me through the morning.

Salad with roasted pork tenderloin, tons of veggies, roasted red pepper sauce, and a little feta. Hey, I had to get a little fancy..

I’d been jonesing for a banana but seeing as how I was at work, the best I could do was a banana SOYJOY. I popped that baby in the microwave for 10 seconds and was in heaven! To my surprise, it really did satisfy my banana craving!

A night out at Waterfront Kitchen was in order. We’d never been there but had heard so many good things about this new-ish farm-to-table restaurant in our hood. First question: wine or beer? We opted for beer and went straight to Unibroue! La Fin du Monde is one of our all time faves.

Looking at the menu, we immediately noticed that the dishes were not very complex. We’ve been to restaurants 100 times that have wowed us in their menu descriptions, so the simple preparation of these dishes was a nice change of pace.

As a light appetizer, we shared a warm brussel sprout salad with bacon, onion, and microgreens. It was so tasty and rich! I’m glad we split it.. I don’t know if I could have finished it on my own! What we could finish, however, was our first beer. Onto another Unibroue; next we tried Don de Dieu. This was a new one for us and we loved it, but not as much as La Fin Du Monde.

Nathan order the pork ribeye with wild mushrooms, heirloom peppers, farm fresh kale, and blackberry demi glace. I opted for the monkfish “osso bucco” with stewed cherry tomatoes, onion, sweet potato, and wilted Swiss chard. As I mentioned, the dishes seemed to have a simpler preparation which left it to execution. Spot. On. The dishes were flavorful and perfectly cooked. We couldn’t have asked for more enjoyable bites!

We finished our dinner with some coffee and the dessert special of the night: pumpkin cake with local butter pecan ice cream. Not too heavy and not too sweet; the perfect ending to a wonderful meal. (And a delicious halloween treat!)

Do you see Nathan ready to dive into dessert? 😉 Seems to always happen with dessert!

Pumpkin Cake Taharka Bros Butter Pecan Ice Cream Waterfront Kitchen Baltimore Maryland MD

Food for Thought

Do you prefer to go out to dinner for special occasions or have a romantic meal at home?

We always go out for our anniversary but stay in for Valentine’s Day so we don’t have to deal with all of the craziness!

What I Ate Wednesday #18 – FitBloggin’ Eats!

This past weekend was spent at FitBloggin’ and it was a weekend full of fun workouts and delicious food. So delicious that I was often going back for seconds. But that’s ok because of all of the workouts, right? Right!

And you bet I tasted everything on the menu!

Weight Watchers Quinoa Strawberry Muesli Fruit Chicken Bean Salad Turkey Sandwich Pear Celery Root Puree PopChips Oatmeal Granola Salmon FitBloggin 2012 Baltimore Maryland MD


Friday – Sponsored by Weight Watchers Cheese

  • Hot breakfast quinoa
  • Cheese-stuffed turkey breakfast sausage
  • Cheesy quinoa frittata
  • Strawberry whipped cream cheese muesli [big time fave! I’ll be creating this one at home!]
  • Fresh fruit
  • Coffee


  • Oatmeal and quinoa bar with fruit fixins
  • Hardboiled Egglands Best eggs
  • Coffee



  • Puree of Celery Root Soup With Apple Mascarpone and Chive Oil
  • Mixed Green Salad With Sliced Almonds, Cranberries and Pears in a Lemon-Champagne Dressing
  • Five-Bean Salad With Chickpeas, Soybeans, Kidney Beans, Black Beans and Crisp Green Beans With Red Onion and Tomato in a Sherry Vinegar Dressing
  • 15-Spice Slow-Roasted Chicken
  • Prairie Grain Baguette with Roasted Turkey, Gouda, Butter Lettuce and Dill Aoli


  • Mushroom Tea Soup
  • Local Greens With Shaved Fennel, Radish, Tomato Confit and Basil Dressing
  • Quinoa Salad With Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Red Onion and Cilantro
  • Broiled Salmon With Wilted Greens
  • Grilled Mediterranean Vegetables on Focaccia With Hummus and Sprouts


There were so many snacks in between sessions and after workouts that I couldn’t keep track. But they were all delicious and included some of the following:

  • Hardboiled Egglands Best eggs
  • Bagel thins with The Laughing Cow cream cheeses [Cinnamon cream cheese people! I need to find it!]
  • SoyJoy bars
  • Popchips! Soooo many popchips!


We were on our own for dinner, so Friday night I met up with Nathan and we headed over to our favorite bar, Max’s, for German Beer Fest (so FitBloggin’-appropriate, right?!) I essentially had a liter of beer for dinner because I didn’t like the way the food menu looked. NBD.

Maxs Taphouse Broadway Baltimore Maryland MD

P.S. Nathan did get another liter after his baby beer 😉

Saturday I went with a bunch of the lovely bloggers over to Blue Agave, a local restaurant with a Mexican-inspired flare, and had a house salad and a skinny girl margarita. Or 3. That gathering was followed by the FitBloggin’ reception, sponsored by Unilever. They passed some delicious bites, but my favorite was the orange-glazed turkey meatballs. They will definitely be making an appearance in my kitchen soon!

FitBloggin Baltimore Maryland MD Blue Agave Blogger Dinner Gathering

While my past few weeks goals have been fitness-oriented in pushing myself for a better time in future 5K races, this week I want to concentrate on food. I’ve definitely found myself falling off the healthy-eating wagon over the weekends (see the liter of beer for dinner above!), so I want to challenge everyone to a healthy weekend ahead! That’s not to say I won’t have a few drinks over the course of the weekend, but like the Tone It Up girls say, weekends make up almost half of the month. That’s a lot to fall off of the wagon! So let’s do this 🙂

Speak Up!

What are your goals this week? Do you have trouble staying on track over the weekends?