What I Ate Wednesday #61: A Day in the Life

Have you entered my thinkThin giveaway yet?

It’s been a while since I’ve gone through a full day’s worth of my eats as opposed to my fun dinners out so I figured now is a good time to do just that! Although these meals aren’t exactly the prettiest, I think they’ve been pretty darn tasty!


Protein TVP Oats Nut-tritious Foods Nut Butter Micheles Granola

Possibly the best ever.

My favorite protein TVP oats topped with some winnings! A couple months ago I won some amazing Nut-Tritious Foods nut butters from Kelsey. This batch of oats is topped with 1 tsp cashew butter, 1 tsp almond butter, and 1 tsp chocolate-hazelnut butter. And of course my apple quinoa granola from Michele’s!

Mid-Morning Snack
I made my own fruit on the bottom with frozen blueberries!

Homemade Blueberry Fruit on the Bottom Greek Yogurt

Frozen fruit on the bottom..

And then it froze some of my yogurt too.. ha. Whoops!

Blueberry Greek Yogurt Dark Chocolate Cherry Soyjoy

All mixed up and topped with a little dark chocolate cherry crumble!

It was quite good, though, once I mixed it up and crumbled a little dark chocolate cherry Soyjoy bar on top!


Kale Buffalo Carrots Beets Avocado Dr Praegers California Veggie Burger Cucumber Tomato Caesar Crunchy Peas

This is the most attractive salad you’ve ever seen. I know.

I always thought frozen veggie burgers were gross until I actually tried some [go figure..]. This is a Dr. Praeger’s California veggie burger and I must say I love it! I also love those little crunchy peas on top.. way better than croutons, if you ask me [you did. I heard you.] The dressing combo was a little buffalo sauce and a drizzle of caesar. It was a good one!

Afternoon Snack

thinkThin Crunch Blueberry Mixed Nuts

Blueberry nutty goodness!

I love these crunchy bars! They have a pretty short list of ingredients and are just slightly sweet. They’re also good when I’m looking for something a little lighter and not totally packed with protein if I’m not working out at night.


Jalapeno Sweet Potato Turkey Chili Asparagus Tomato

I swear, there’s chili under there!

You may recall I made this healthy jalapeno sweet potato chili a couple months ago. Well, it made A TON and I happily froze 3 containers of it. Now that we’re moving, I’ve been defrosting and eating this a lot. This was actually my last bowl of it, topped with some more of my favorite veggies [prepared by my loving husband.. love when he cooks!]

Evening Snack

Fuji Apple

Apples are my fave!

I think we’re getting to the end of apple season because my apples have been getting less and less crisp. I guess that means it’s time to bake with them! 😉

Food for Thought

Could you eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch, or dinner for days at a time?

What is your favorite fruit?

What I Ate Wednesday #55: Recovering

After the weekend that I had, I definitely needed to take a little time to get my food back on track this week. My body has appreciated the clean eats thus far for sure!

Tone It Up PerfectFit Protein Pancake
It’s been a long while but I’ve gone back to the protein pancake the past few days. It’s nice to change it up a little sometimes. I’ve been topping it with a mixture of 2 tbsp peanut flour, 1 tbsp chia seed, and a little stevia. I certainly can’t go a day without some sort of peanut butter!

*You can find Protein Plus peanut flour, chia seed, and stevia on iHerb.com. Use code ZAF482 to receive $5 off of your first order.

Kale Lemon Basil Tofu Salad Dijon Hummus Dressing
Kale salads all the way! Topped with tons of veggies, the lemon basil tofu that I prepped on Sunday, and dijon hummus dressing. I just mix about 1 tbsp hummus with 1 tbsp dijon and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar. I never actually measure, but it looks like that’s what the ratio is 😉

Roasted Brussels Sprouts
BRUSSELS! My favorite! Especially roasted on the bottom rack. They get so perfectly golden brown.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Spaghetti Squash Pinch of Yum Jalapeno Sweet Potato Turkey Chili
I threw the brussels on top of the spaghetti squash and jalapeno sweet potato turkey chili, both prepped on Sunday. I’m telling you, all that cooking on Sunday has made this week a breeze!

Food for Thought

Do you do Sunday food prep?

What is your favorite vegetable to roast?