Familiar Faces and Sunset Views

Good morning, friends! Have you entered my WIN giveaway yet? It ends Thursday at 11:59 pm PST so make sure to get your entries in!

We had a really fun and totally exhausting weekend over here. My friend, Jordan, came to San Francisco for work but since he was here for a couple of extra days, we got to spend some time together. It was so great to see a familiar face [even though we will be seeing him again in just 2 short weeks!]

Jordan Brittany

Nathan and I both had some work to do on Friday, but we definitely made up for that Friday night. Moscow mule anyone?
Moscow Mule

Aside from the drinks, Friday was pretty tame.. especially in comparison to Saturday! We went all over the city in an attempt to show Jordan as much as possible in such a short time. Obviously when we show people around, it’s all about the food. There was dim sum.
Shanghai Pork Dumpling Yank Sing

There was beer.
Rye Saison Beer The Monk's Kettle

There were fabulous sunset views.
Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco

San Francisco Skyline

And that’s just the start! Between this past weekend and Thanksgiving next week, I will absolutely be watching my extra snacks this week haha! Yesterday, Nathan and I started the day early, went for a nice walk, hit the gym, and got our lives back together. In just 1 week, we’ll be packing our bags and heading back to Baltimore for 2 weeks and I’m psyched! But for now, gotta focus on getting through the week.

Weekly Meal Plan

SundayAsian quinoa meatballs with roasted broccoli and baby bok choy
MondayThai chicken satay salad
Tuesday – Leftovers
Wednesday – BBQ chicken with roasted brussels and caramelized shallots
Thursday – Leftovers
Friday – Out!
Saturday – Leftovers

Food for Thought

What’s your favorite way to show someone around your city?
Did you do anything fun over the weekend?

Five Things Friday + Giveaway {11/14}

Hot damn, it’s Friday! I don’t know the last time I was this excited to see the big Fri. Yea, that’s what I’m calling it now. It’s just been one of those weeks.. you know the kind where nothing goes right? But it’s over and I’m looking forward to weekend festivities!

  1. We have a friend visiting this weekend! Ok, he’s really coming out here for work, but the point is he’s here and we get to spend time with him tonight and all day tomorrow. We have big plans for tomorrow; it’s going to be quite the indulgent day, but anytime we have someone visiting, it’s always all about the food and drink. Just ask my parents!

    Bear Republic Cheers

    I’m still proud of them for holding their own with all of the drinking we had them doing 😉

  2. Speaking of my parents, the countdown till we head back to Baltimore for 2 weeks is in the single-digits! 9 more days, baby! It’s a shame I’m not at all excited.
  3. I got to skype with my nugget yesterday and as soon as we turned the cameras on, she walked across the room to get to me [alright, to get to the iPad and her Bubby, but I can pretend!] She just started walking a couple weeks ago and I can’t wait to play with her and see her run [or waddle] around.
    Jilly Bean Walking
  4. As part of a campaign with Fit Approach, I received 2 bottles of WIN Detergent. It may not sound too exciting to you, but if you’ve ever experienced the post-laundry stinky workout clothes, you should understand my excitement when I tell you that this detergent is specifically designed to remove sweat, oil, and odors from technical athletic/sports apparel. Hooray for no more stinky workout gear! Haha.
    WIN High Performance Sports Detergents
  5. Even more exciting than me getting the detergent is that they’re offering YOU the chance to win your own bottles. Click here to enter for a chance to win!
    Can’t wait? You can also get $1 off your purchase by entering the code WINGIVE1 at checkout.

And with that, I’m off for a fun weekend 🙂

Food for Thought

Any big plans this weekend?

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary shipment of WIN Detergent as a Sweat Pink Ambassador. All thoughts and opinions of the product are my own.