Breaking Routine

People tell you to find a routine that works for you. One that you know you’ll stick to. That’s how you become successful, right? I found my routine. I was successful. And then I moved across the country and everything was thrown out the window.

San Francisco California CA

Oh hey, Cali 🙂

I noticed that I was taking advantage of the hotel meals and drinks that I wouldn’t normally have and things were slowly creeping up on me. And when I say me, I mean my waistline. Not to mention, being in a new place and wanting to explore the areas and amazing restaurants proved to be irresistible. It stressed me out and I was seriously craving routine.

Ramen Shop Veggie Shoyu Meyer Lemon

Holy ramen!

I was afraid of what my scale would show after almost 9 weeks away from it. It’s crazy, I know. I figured I would unpack our boxes, push the scale aside, and wait a couple weeks until I felt more comfortable. I opened up the first box and there it was. Go freaking figure. But I did as I had hoped; I put it away and forgot about it. Honestly, I had too much crap around me to concern myself with a piece of plastic to stand on.

What’s great about routine is that when you break one, you can create a new one. As we were getting settled in our new place, I found my new routine. And after less than a week of getting back to my real oatmeal breakfasts, huge salads for lunch, and home-cooked dinners, I also found myself feeling much more comfortable in my skin again. I felt good and I wanted to get past the scale anxiety.

Kale Cabbage Sugar Snap Peas Tomatoes Carrots Roasted Corn Hemp Seed Sriracha Avocado Honey Mustard

Helloooooooo big salads!

Now, what’s funny about routine, is that sometimes you just need to break it. Everyone says you should shake it up a bit every now and then. I honestly believe that from spending almost 2 months of eating differently, my body completely readjusted. Less than a week of my old “norm” and my body went right back too. Hell of an idea, right? The number that I saw last Tuesday was the same number that I saw 2 months ago before I packed that baby up!

There’s been a lot of talk about not setting New Year’s resolutions, but having a word to set the tone for the year. I decided my word would be trust. I need to learn to trust myself more. I need to learn to listen to my body more. And if there is one thing that these past couple months have taught me, it’s that my body truly does know what’s best. Want a sandwich? Eat a sandwich. Want a couple fries? Steal them from Nathan’s plate 😉 Craving some ice cream? Get. Some damn. Ice cream.

San Francisco Creamery Co Apple Pie

Worth it.

Knowing that I’m making healthy decisions everyday when I go to the gym, eat my protein oats, have a huge salad, and load up on veggies with my dinner makes it that much easier to enjoy a treat every now and then. I’ve been reading other blogs and people have been coming to this realization every single day. Everyone just need to make that realization in their own time and I’m glad my time found me.

Washington Square Park San Francisco California CA

Now excuse us as we enjoy the 70 degree weather 😉

Food for Thought

Are you an intuitive eater or do you set a schedule or meal plan?

10 thoughts on “Breaking Routine

  1. I try to be an intuitive eater, but I also eat a lot when I’m bored so I have to make sure what I’m wanting is truly nourishment for the body, not the mind. That’s so awesome that your body snapped right back to routine-you clearly know what works for you!

  2. Love this! That’s the whole reason I enjoy living a “healthy lifestyle” so much – it allows me to enjoy treats guilt-free when I want, knowing that I’ve treated my body well by loading up on the veggies and other healthy goodies.

  3. I’m so proud of you for writing this post and for coming to the realization – through your own experiences – that your body is used to your healthy habits and will gladly embrace them when your routine comes back into the picture! Though you know I’m not a huge scale fan, I’m glad that it still showed you that you did not go crazy while you lost your routine. You did the best you could and you did GREAT. It’s so true that living a healthy lifestyle is a nice thing because whenever you enjoy your wine or your ice cream, you can really know that isn’t your lifestyle. Your daily salad beasts are! I love “stocking up” on veggies and fruits all day long so I can really try to enjoy an evening glass of vino 🙂

  4. Pingback: Baby Steps | Barr & Table

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