I Mustache You Some Questions

I’ve got a fun one for you today. Danica did this survey on her blog yesterday and tagged me to do it, too. So let’s get to it, shall we?

I Mustache You Some Questions

Four names that people call me, other than my real name:

  1. “Bub”.. a name that evolved over time that Nathan and I typically use for each other. Possibly the outcome of a joke from me calling him bubala? I don’t know but it stuck!
  2. “Batyah”.. my Hebrew name. Also shortened to “Bat” at times.
  3. “Britt the brat”.. a common phrase I’d hear from my grandfather. Though now he feels like he can’t call me that anymore.
  4. “Squirt”.. because I was too old for “Britt the brat” 😉

Four jobs I have had:

  1. Camp counselor
  2. Web designer
  3. Sales.. jewelry with my mama and now Athleta
  4. Personal trainer. Hit. Me. Up.

Four movies I’ve watched more than once:

  1. Coyote Ugly
  2. Grease.. it’s the word, you know.
  3. Anchorman
  4. A Night at the Roxbury

Four books I’d recommend:
Eesh.. this is a tough one for me. I’m not a big book-reader, so I’m going to change this to blogs.

  1. Cotter Crunch
  2. Lifting Revolution
  3. STUFT Mama
  4. Carrots ‘N’ Cake

Four places I have lived:
Similar to Danica.. I haven’t gotten around too much!

  1. Baltimore County, Maryland
  2. Frederick County, Maryland [for a hot minute]
  3. Baltimore City, Maryland
  4. California

Four places I have been:

  1. Captiva, Florida
  2. Paris, France
  3. Florence, Italy
  4. Portofino, Italy

Four places I’d rather be right now:

  1. In Maryland with my family and friends
  2. Playing with my Jilly bean.. I guess that kind of goes with #1
  3. In Captiva.. it’s one of our favorite vacation places
  4. Exploring more of Europe

Four things I don’t eat:

  1. Hamburgers.. unless we make them at home. And then only turkey burgers.
  2. Hot dogs. Blech.
  3. Fast food.. unless Nathan gets french fries. Then he needs my help.
  4. Nut butter. HAHAHAHA! So joking.. nut butter pretty much makes up half of my diet. I just don’t know a 4th!

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Nut butters. All kinds.. I’m not picky.
  2. Chocolate. Duh.
  3. Winter squash. Particularly butternut, kabocha, and my new fave, red kuri.
  4. Blue crab. Specifically blue. And don’t try to tell me a San Francisco “crab cake” is the same as a Maryland crab cake.

Oh, and ice cream since we moved to a place with the most ridiculous flavors around.

Four TV shows that I watch:

  1. Pretty Little Liars. I powered through that series and I need the next episode!
  2. Modern Family
  3. Veep
  4. The Newsroom

Four things I am looking forward to this year:

  1. Going home for Thanksgiving/cousin’s wedding/Jilly’s 1st birthday!
  2. A friend visiting next weekend
  3. Enjoying the warmer weather while everyone at home will be freezing their tootsies off 😉
  4. Just generally spending relaxing time with Nathan

Four things I’m always saying:

  1. “Love you!” Always tell your family and friends.
  2. [Insert color] punch buggy! No punch backs!” They’re EVERYWHERE here!
  3. “No, but fo realz.”
  4. “Fudge ’ems!” .. when I’m actually cognizant of my words.

Four People I Tag:

  1. Caitlin
  2. Brittany
  3. Laura
  4. Jamie

Food for Thought

I want to hear your answers! Share something with me from the list above.

Quick Love

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a link love post but I’ve seen so many awesome posts recently that I had to get one up this week!


Is a Calorie Just a Calorie?Strong Inside Out via The Lean Green Bean
6 Ways to Beat the “Comparison Trap” and Own Your Unique Awesomeness – Live Well 360
Fat, Sick & Miserable. No more “junk” ’round here – Sarah Kay Hoffman
How I Lost 70 Pounds in 30 Days! – Roni’s Weigh
If they ate it, why can’t I? – My Healthy Happy Home


20 Minute Pyramid HIIT Tina Reale

20 Minute Pyramid HIIT – Tina Reale

Move It Monday: 20 Minute Pyramid HIIT – Tina Reale
Breaking News: Every Little Bit Helps – Mom’s Little Running Buddies
Leg Workout and S’mores Coffee – Peanut Butter Fingers
Muscle Ropes and a New Workout – Blonde Ponytail
Can CrossFit Improve Running? – Huffington Post


No Bake Oatmeal Breakfast Bars - Pineapple & Coconut

No Bake Oatmeal Breakfast Bars – Pineapple & Coconut

No Bake Oatmeal Breakfast Bars – Two ways – Pineapple & Coconut
Easy Healthier Crockpot Butter Chicken – Half Baked Harvest
Healthy No-Grain Seedy STUFT Bread – STUFT Mama
Sugar-Free Apple Pie Chia Seed Jam + Breakfast Parfait – Oh She Glows
5-Minute Desserts for One – Carrots ‘N’ Cake

Food for Thought

Which posts from the last week or so have caught your eye?

Marvelous Weekend Recap and Monday Meet Up!

Monday already? The weekend always flies, but it was another good one. Yet again, I failed at taking many pictures, but I do have a little bit of a recap..

Marvelous is finishing off Friday with another no-grain maple chia cake from the awesome STUFT mama and a going away party for a friend at The Red Star. We’d never been there before, but they had some good happy hour special and the food was good. I, of course, went for a salad which was a bit small, but I should be used to that. Next time I’ll definitely go for one of their sandwiches or the awesome looking fish tacos!

STUFT mama No Grain Maple Chia Cake Peanut Fluff KIND Granola

No-Grain Maple Chia Cake a la STUFT mama

Marvelous is driving out to the burbs on Saturday to hang out by my parents’ house. Their A/C bit the dust while they were away and were able to get someone to come out and fix it on the weekend. I made a little day trip out of it and headed over to Target and Trader Joe’s.. wish we had those in the city! I finally found the new flips I’ve been looking for. They’re already gone.

Chobani Blueberry Power Flip

Blueberry yogurt with walnuts, hemp seeds, & chia seeds.

Marvelous is a Saturday night was spent with friends, grilling, drinking [too much] sangria, and playing games. The boys really enjoy video games.. especially Nathan.

Nathan Madden XBOX 360

Cute, right?

We also played Cards Against Humanity. If you’ve never played, you should definitely get on it.. it’s hilarious! And only made better by sangria 😉 I also made a killer guacamole with a secret ingredient which I’ll be sharing soon. That lasted about as long as the sangria.

Marvelous is Farmers’ Market Sundays. We got there bright and early before the crowd got too crazy and walked away with a nice haul! You have to know where to go and I found a stand where everything is $2. I got 6 zucchini, 8 beets, and a ton of green purple beans. I also picked up some beautiful swiss chard, HUGE blackberries, lemon pistachio granola from Michele’s, peaches and nectarines, and of course, Zeke’s coffee. Totally lucked out with the granola.. last week was supposed to be the final week for the lemon pistachio seasonal and we didn’t make it to the market. I was pretty psyched when I saw that they still had it!

Baltimore Farmers Market Blackberries Fuji Apples HIIT

Farmers’ Market haul, huge fruits, and a great run!

Marvelous is a great run after the market. I’ve been trying to do Sunday runday and yesterday I did 10 minutes run, 5 minute sprint HIIT, 5 minute recovery, three times through for 60 minutes. It felt good to switch it up. I also went to the store to stock up on a few more things for the week.. it must be the season for ginormous fruit because these apples were bigger than my hands!

Marvelous is the Orioles sweeping the Rangers. Or really, they can sweep any team and I’ll be happy! 🙂

Marvelous is meeting up with some fantastic Charm City Healthy Living Bloggers tonight. I’m so looking forward to it.. it’s about time I get to meet these ladies!

Food for Thought

Tell me what was marvelous about your weekend!