What I Ate Wednesday #34: Asian Fusion

If you gathered from my Valentine’s Day recipe roundup, Nathan and I happen to love Asian cuisine. And we really don’t discriminate either.. Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean.. you name it, we love it! I would say we have a problem, but in reality, it makes for some fun road trips.

Barr & Table What I Ate Wednesday WIAW Peas and Crayons Sweet Breakfast Scramble Tone It Up TIU Love Your Body Challenge Honeypig Korean

Post 7 mile run [mentioned simply because it’s my longest ever!], I had my slimmed down sweet scramble topped with nut butters and Love Grown Raisin Almond Crunch granola. Have you tried their products yet? So good!

Also, every time I tweet a picture of this scramble, people ask me for the recipe! I’ve happily linked it up but always want to make sure to give credit where credit is due. Tina at Carrots ‘N’ Cake is the mastermind behind my daily breakfast and I thank her 🙂

Pleased that we didn’t have a very far road trip on Sunday, we made our way to Honey Pig, a Korean restaurant where the food is cooked at your table. At your table, they give you a few sides to share: steamed broccoli, egg, pickled daikon, jalapenos, garlic, sweet potatoes [like sticky sweet potatoes.. not like regular orange sweet potatoes], plus a small salad and bowl of rice for each person.

This wasn’t our first rodeo so we knew what we wanted.. Beef Bulgogi and Spicy Chicken. We’ve had both before and they were great. This time, however, the waitress decided we could use a little extra spice. It was absolutely amazing and we devoured every last bite. Extra spicy is the way to go.

*Picture stolen from Mary.

We were absolutely stuffed from lunch so I opted for a late dinner of coconut oil roasted broccoli and sweet potato with Kasey’s tahini nooch sauce. It’s definitely a favorite dinner of mine! And the picture was so terrible that I decided to spare you. Seriously, I’ve never seen such a terrible picture from a phone!


Food for Thought

What is your favorite kind of cuisine?

What I Ate Wednesday #27 – A Day of Rest

I’m extending my Just My Imagination giveaway! You now have until Thursday, 12/20 at 11:59 PM EST to enter! Get your entries in 🙂

Who’da thunk running around non-stop for 2 weeks would completely wear you out? It just doesn’t make sense, right?!

Sunday was the first time we actually had a chance to rest and even though we planned on going to the outlets (the week before Christmas, no less) we never made it out of our PJs. I have no idea the last time this happened but there were no complaints! And I’m not sure I even realized that we literally did nothing all day until I went to lock the door before bed and it was still locked from the night before.

I happily laid around on Sunday and made some delicious meals. But before sharing them with you, I have to congratulate Jenn for celebrating her 100th WIAW “birthday!” And thanks for including everyone in your fun parties 🙂

Barr & Table What I Ate Wednesday WIAW Peas and Crayons Carrots N Cake Sweet Breakfast Scramble Baked Eggs Kale Spinach Delicata Squash Chicken Cacciatore[Breakfast]
I just can’t stop! The Sweet Breakfast Scramble is a habit hard to break.

Kale & quinoa salad with a baked omelette on top! For whatever reason, I was in an egg kinda mood, so I decided to try and recreate a baked HUMONGOUS omelette I had in Florida. Unfortunately, it was not even close to as fluffy and large as the one I had before, but it was still delicious.. filled to the brim with sauteed broccoli and feta cheese. Yum!

Another kale salad! This time topped with roasted delicata squash and a lightened up version of chicken cacciatore. I started with a Martha Stewart recipe and added tons of extra red bell pepper, red onion, and a splash of white wine. It was full of flavor and so easy.. definitely recommend trying this recipe!

Clementines, celery, peanut butter, dried figs, and dried apricots were consumed over the course of the day. I could eat those things all day long!

As this week continues, I find myself hoping for another Sunday in my PJs. Oh how I love the holiday season 😉

Food for Thought

Have you been running around like crazy lately or have you found yourself with time to relax?